Thursday, March 20, 2008

Protista Study Guide

Just when you thought you have seen it all! Picts Snagged from

Hey! I think I see an
Easter Egg!!!

by Mr. Carrison & Flash the Wonder Hound

1. Have you read the chapter on Protista? How are your notes?

2. Are you familiar with all the words and concepts on the Protist vocab sheet?

3. Review the Protist Crossword puzzle

4. Review and organize your class lecture notes and your notes from reading the chapter.

5. What are the "membership requirements" for kingdom Protista?

6. While some protists may be smarter than Flash, why is Flash NOT considered to be a protist?

7. What is a contractile vacuole and what is it’s purpose?

8. What protozoans use the following to move (for locomotion) and what kingdoms are they in?
Cilia -
Psuedopods -
Host -
Flagella -

9. What do you know about the paramecium? Where are they found?
What kingdom and phylum or group of protozoans do they belong to?

10. What do these parts of a cell do?
Mitochondria -
Vacuole -
Cell wall -

11. What do polishes, flat paint, toothpaste and pool filtering material have in common?

12. What are ciliates? Which is the most well known?

13. What are pseudopods? Who uses them? Do Flash and Ms. Sabonis use - have them???

14. What are flagella? Which protozoan uses them?

15. What is giardia? What does it cause? How do you get it???

16. Have you gone to the MCAS question site?

17. What is bioluminescence?
18. What are dinoflagellates? What do they cause? We spent a lot of time in class studying them. Why?

19. Protozoans give you what diseases? Do all protozoans cause disease?

20. What are antibiotics and what do they work against?

21. What sporozoan killed many people, also known as Malaria?

22. What group of protozoans are all parasitic?

23. What is the difference between procaryotic and eucaryotic cells?

24. What does eukaryotic mean? What kingdoms are all eucaryotic?

25. Do you know is you are an autotrophic or heterotrophic? What do these terms mean?
What are the following (auto or hetero)
* Paramecium
* Bailey & The Tpyo Police
* Euglena
* Algae
* True Animals
* Fungi

26. Are you pseudo-prepared for this test? Let's hope NOT!

27. What types of life or organisms seem immune to the effects of the red tide?

28. Mr. Carrison is: (question by one of last year's students)
a. an amoeba
b. a saracodine
c. organism that uses pseudopods
d. a Twinkie and Almond Joy eating, Basset Hound loving evil life science teacher (Hey! I heard that!!!) who is also a multi-cellular hetertrophic organism.

29. An amoeba is a saracodine that uses psuedopodse. (true or false)

30. Are all dinoflagellates only heterotrophic?

31. Is a euglena autotrophic or heterotrophic?

30. Algae is heterotrophic (true or false)

31. Can you draw one a picture of each of the 3 categories of protozoans that can move on their own???

32. I remember the 4 steps of the S/Method.......... do you?

33. Can you list 5 facts about the "red tide" that affects Scituate waters in the summer months and Florida?

Thanks and a tip of the hat to JC a founding member of the dreaded Typo Police for stalking my Blog and lending a much needed helping hand!

RELAX - Make sure you are rested up by Tuesday for the MCAS. Be rested and do your best and you will do FINE! No spazzing!!! Really, RELAX!

No trees were killed nor were many cats agitated in the designing
and implementation of this blog. However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. Llama free since February of 2007!

Any question in your mind why some dogs bite Homo sapiens!

Hi Jake!


  1. OHH YEAh first comment on the blog and mr.c in class u were surprised about diaomacus earth why was that im just curious?

  2. Not surprised at all by the NEW and IMPROVED "un-retired" Jake! You were OVIOUSLY very WELL prepared today for class.

    Keep up the good work and have a great three day weekend.

    Mr. C & Flash

    ps What ever you had for breakfast today, eat the same before Monday's test and the MCAS!

  3. Typos #1-9:

    #1: In problem #7, "it's" should NOT have an apostraphie!

    #2: In problem #17, "bioluminescense" is spelled wrong.

    #3: In problem #22, it should say "what group of protozoans IS all parasitic".

    #4: You have two probelms labeled 24.

    #5: In problem #28, "Carrisson" has an extra "s". (This is just SAD!)

    #6: In problem #28, "amoeb" should be "amoeba"

    #7: In problem #28, "hetertyophic" is spelled wrong.

    #8: In problem #29, "psuedopodse" should NOT have an "e"

    #9: In problem #33, it should be "affects", NOT "effects"

    This is the largest number of typos found in one sitting. You're starting to get lazy, Mr. C!

    Woo-hoo! We get a point, and we're one typo away from two!


  4. And I thought I had it made as I cut and pasted the majority of this from an old blog from last year!

    Mr. C

    PS Happy Easter!

  5. what are the requierments for the protsista kingdom?

  6. Typos # 10 and 11

    In # 23 both eukaryotic and prokaryotic should have K's not C's


  7. Typo # 13

    In #24 eukaryotic has a K not a C


  8. 12 typos,sorry


  9. Typos # 13 and 14

    In # 29 sarcodine is spelled S-A-R-C-O-D-I-N-E and pseudopod is spelled P-S-E-U-D-O-P-O-D-S


  10. Oh

    only 13 typos I didn't see Johns


  11. In #25 when it says baily &tpyo police
    typo is spelled wrong

  12. Attention-

    Sorry Alex, but the prokaryotic and eukaryotic typos don't count. Both spelling are acceptable according to the dictionary!

    Thanks for finding those typos, Bailey and Smith


    PS: We have 11 typos

  13. Typo #12

    In problem 25, is should say "do you know IF..."

  14. Happy EASTER everybody

  15. Whats a Giardia????

  16. r u allowed to use the blog on the test???


    thats for the gairdia question
    whats number 30?

  18. this link

  19. hi it me Aj Rousseau hey mr carrison what was the name of that sight where the stick figure was fighting the animator?

  20. Hi AJ:

    Check out the link in one of the old blogs or go to and search for animator.

    Good hunting,
    Mr. C

  21. hey everybody1 i know that no one is on because It is Thursday, but just wanted to ask you guys for good luck! Gabby Lopez and Sam Curran made it to the playoffs in ice hockey. (Friday night). Wish us luck!!

  22. Congradulations ladies! Proud of you and wish you both luck in the playoffs.

    Mr. C and Flash

  23. Hi Mr. Carrison:

    That 5 meters e-mail was pretty cool. Have you seen your pencil ad on my blog? Check it out!!

    Think you know everything about Harry Potter?

    Then take my O.W.L. Quiz. Containing questions from all subjects at Hogwarts!

    See my blog for more details!


Please use this section WISELY! Yes, you can use it for some fun but keep it NICE! Remember what happens to privileges you CHOOSE to not protect! Enjoy and remember: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY RULES!