Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fungi Study Guide

Why does he treat me like a MUSHROOM?

Fungi Study Guide
by Mr. Carrison

1. Have you read the chapter? Pages 240 to 247

2. How good are your lecture notes?

3. Check over and review all the handouts - often times test questions come from the handouts.

4. Make sure you visit the review section at the end of the chapter.

5. Make sure you know the answers to the questions and definitions from your beloved weekly vocab sheet.

6. Visit the DOE's web site http://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/search/default.asp?YearCode=%25&GradeID=%25&QuestionCategory=&FormSubmitted=yes&ReportingCategoryCode=%25&ShowReportingCategory=&originalpage=0&page=0&answers=&intro=no&advanced_search=yes and do a search for biology or science, tech & engineering for fungi, mushrooms, lichens and the like. Some good questions that could be quite easily grabbed and incorporated into our test - hum.....

7. What is the pigment that gives plants their green color?

8. Roots are to plants as _______ is/are to a mushroom.

9. Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are all examples of what type of plant?

10. What is the chemical formula of the end product of most types of photosynthesis?

11. Young leaves of this vascular plant are called fiddleheads, grow in warm, damp areas and grow no seeds. Plant parts include sori and spores. Many can be eaten when young and taste like asparagus! EAT THEM ONLY WHEN WITH AN EXPERIENCED AND SEASONED FIELD GUIDE!!! THIS IS ALSO GREAT ADVICE FOR ANYONE WANTING TO EAT WILD MUSHROOMS! BEWARE!!! BEST TO ERROR ON THE SIDE OF ULTRA CAUTION!!!

12. Using the picture of the mushroom what are the parts mentioned below?

Top Left

Middle Left

Bottom Right

Middle Right

Second down Right

13. How do most fungi reproduce?

14. What are the membership requirements to be included in the Fungi kingdom?

15. Describe Sporangium fungi in great detail and know a few examples.

16. Describe Club fungi in great detail and know a few examples.

17. Describe Sac fungi in great detail and know a few examples.

18. Describe Imperfect fungi in great detail and know a few examples.

19. Why are imperfect fungi called imperfect?

20. Are yeast fungi? What does industry use yeast for?

21. Does fungi have chlorophyll?

22. What are the two ways that fungi reproduce?

23. Know different parts of the different kinds of fungi shown in our textbook and PowerPoint presentation.

24. Slime molds' bodies behave like an _______ because of the way it creeps along and engulfs food particles.

25. Do fungi digest food inside or outside cell walls?

26. What is chitin and is found in plants or fungi?

27. Do fungi have distinct nuclei?

28. What kind of habitat do fungi like?

29. Do you know all the parts of a club fungi? Could you label all the parts if given a picture or drawing???

30. Multicellular fungi are made up of thin filaments called

a. hyphae.

b. sporangia.

c. mycelium.

d. threadlike fungi.

31. Penicillin is used in the production of
a. insulin.
b. soy sauce.
c. citric acid.
d. antibiotics.

32. The fungus portion of a lichen contributes to the partnership by
a. producing food.
b. carrying out photosynthesis.
c. producing water.
d. preventing drying out.

33. The Algae (or in some species bacteria) species in a lichen contributes what to the relationship?

Check out:

  • Lichens

  • Another way of asking saying "please pass the bread"
  • Intro to Fungi site
  • Link to a "semi-cool" blog with important advertizing!
  • Check out Fun Facts to Fungi
  • www.scituateblog.blogspot.com is a fellow students new blog

    Some explanation to the Einstein to Marilyn Monroe morphing pict we saw in class. Type of Hybrid imaging.
    "How did this work? When our eyes see the details when we get closer, it changes our perception of the image! I shared this with many of my friends including my buddy Niel. Update: From the comments, we should take time to credit
    Aude Oliva, Ph.D. who is the creator of this fine work. I had a great time visiting the MIT museum and encourage you to check it out too!"

    "It's actually because of something called "top down processing.” Top down processing is when you brain changes what you see because that’s what it thinks it should see. Basically, when you loose enough detail to make it look like Harry Potter, it fills in the gaps. The same theory applies for when they all look like Einstein. The camera cannot be fooled because it doesn't have a brain. "

Where is Cooney and Ryan D?


  1. 1st Comment!

    WOO HOO!

    In your face!!!!!

  2. Typo #1-3

    1. Problem #12 should have a question mark on it.

    2. Problem #19 should say "why ARE imperfect fungi..."

    3. Problem #26 cotains the word "is" twice.

    You're getting better, but not perfect yet!

  3. Typo #4

    In Problem #1, it should end in a period.

  4. hello from your favorite student cooney!!!!!!! Iam taking over!!! MHUUUAAA HAAA HAAA!!!!!!

  5. hey, what is a goliath birdwing?
    i need an answer asap or a good website.

  6. I need help w/ #9, 10, 25 ,26, 21. Please help

  7. Hey, Mr Carrison,
    i got my own blog. the link is www.scituateblog.blogspot.com. It is not as cool as colpoys' but i am working on it. Also is there anything i can do for extra credit before friday because am not confident in my skills of getting a 90 on the fungi test. If there is no extra credit are there any sheets that i can do for studying. Thank you.

  8. nice blog theresa

  9. what is the difference again between hyphae and mycellium?

  10. should #9 be mosses, liverwart,and hornwarts are examples of what type of fungi??? it says what type of plant.

  11. wats the answer for roots are to plants as ??? to mushrooms

  12. whats the answer to the question of hornwarts and liverworts?

  13. Typo #5+6

    5. # 26 should say what is chitin and is IT in fungi.
    6. # 31 and 32 it should not have periods after each choice.
    Yes we get a point!
    The newest member of the typo police

  14. Typo # 7
    7. On #31 it should say Penicillium instead of penicillin.

  15. Mr. Carrison on question #11 why is it asking about vascular plants when this section is on fungi?

  16. The difference between hyphae and mycelium is mycelium is a group of hyphae intertwined

  17. Theresa-

    Welcome to the squad, but you made some mistakes.

    Your typo #5 is technically a repeat of one i found, therefore does not count.

    Also, Your typos #6 and 7 aren't typos, either.

    On the other hand, thanks to anonymous (April 03, 2008 3:08 PM) , We now have 5 typos, gainig us a point on the test. WOO HOO!!!!


  18. PS: Now that you're part of the team, Theresa, you need to identify any of your typo comments under the name "gtpd"


  19. I realize a mistake!

    Theresa, your typo #5 is actually correct.

    Now we have 6 typos!


  20. My mistake again!

    It appears as if our newest member has somehow outsmarted one of her higher officers.

    Theresa, your typo #7 is also correct.

    We now have 7 typos!


  21. TYPO #7

    In probem #33, it should say "or in some species OF bacteria..."

    8 typos!


  22. nice job J.C. two more typos and we get another point. i trust that if you or I can't find 2 more bailey can!. I will make the change to my name.

  23. Typo # 9

    Question 13 and 22 are asking the same question. They both ask how fungi reproduce

  24. Typo #10

    In the explanation of top down processing it should say when YOUR brain instead of you brain.
    Thats point #2

  25. Typo #11
    When mr. c is talking about www.scituateblog.blogspot.com it should say a fellow student's blog instead of students. Only one student made that blog. It was me. (even though i got some tips from colpoys)

  26. Typo #12
    In the same paragraph about top down processing the paragraph has a quotation mark at the end but there was no quotation marks to start that particular quote.

    I am good at being typo police.

  27. Typo # 13

    In the question about the MCAS site tech. is an abrevviation so it needs a period after it.


  28. two more comments and we get 3 points. nice job colpoys and bailey.

  29. Mr. Carrison i looked up the definition of fiddleheads because i didn't know what it was. this is what i got.
    Nautical A curved, scroll-like ornamentation at the top of a ship's bow that resembles the neck of a violin.
    Botany The coiled young frond of any of various ferns, some of which are considered a delicacy when cooked. Also called crosier. What does this have to do with fungi or vascular plants?

  30. Typo #14
    In the paragraph about the einstein and marilyn monroe picture the abbreviation pict should have a period at the end since it is an abbreviation. One more for 3 points.

  31. Theresa-

    One of your typos isn't a typo. The one about repeating questions, he can do that. It's so we know the fact better!

    Nice job guys. we have 12 typos


  32. Typos #s 14 and 15

    in number 21 it should be do not does.

    Also in the note under the shark picture it should say "/where are Cooney and Ryan D."

    /theresa. try and leave your name at the bottom of the comment so we know who you are.


  33. So that leaves us with 14 typos then

    sorry about the counting error


  34. I don't have time to explain, but we only have 13 typos!

    But keep searching!


    PS: Alex-I've finished typing the "you-know-what" for "you-know-who"!

  35. PSS: Theresa- try to go under the name "gtpd", not your own name!

  36. My mistake! We have 14 typos!


  37. Wait, i was right. We only have 13 typos. T.H.'s one a bout the random quotation mark, there is a quotation mark at the beginning of the paragraph!


  38. tiss nice did u c the comment i left on ur bolg????

  39. Mike-

    Of course you can have a copy.
    Either give me a different adress, or if you don't have another e-mail, I could give it to you in person?


  40. k could u bring one in schooltommorow or when ever u can??

  41. wats the answer to # 33????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  42. mr.c is the test scantron cuz i saw u give ms. mclaughlin the scantron test papers???

  43. Mike-

    I just tried sending oneto an AIM adress, and nothing went bad. So just give me ur e-mail, and i will do the rest!

  44. OH YEAH 53rd COMMENT!!!

  45. OH YEAH 54th COMMENT!!!!

  46. im going to be the last 1 before the test

  47. i was up all night studying

  48. sorry anonymous u won't be the last before the test.

  49. Colpoys,
    the typo abput the quotation marks-
    there was a mark at the beginning and then that was closed with a mark. Then at the end of the paragraph there was another mark but nothing ever started it!


  51. wow im probebly the last pesion 2 comment

    ps. I prey to god I ace this test or my parents will freak!

  52. Mr. Carrison thank you so much for help on this test. Because of this blog I got 100.


    Think you know everything about Harry Potter?

    Then take my O.W.L. Quiz. Containing questions from 7 of the subjects at Hogwarts!

    Just do the following:

    1. Leave a comment saying you want a copy: include your e-mail adress!
    Ask me in person that you want a copy. You can either tell me your e-mail, or I can hand deliver it.

    2. Take the test.(Don't forget to read the RULES!!!)

    3. When you have finished, hand the test back to me in person. Your grade will be sent via e-mail, providing you gave me your e-mail adress earlier.

  54. WHY SO MANY TYPOS?!? ):*-(

  55. this blog has been viewed over 620 times!



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