Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ch 5 Energy Test Study Blog

I suspect the cats are trying to hide something?
Moore gets 2.0035 points - Fred gets ZIP!
Flash News Flash.... All Classes Will Meet In the Computer Lab Monday. Pass the Word!

I'm just here to HELP!

You can still use to Crossword Study Blog to post comments for help with your crossword project or to help others with questions. Just click on the link to this blog in the right hand column.

Chapter 5 Energy Study Blog
by Mr. Carrison
Gates Intermediate School

1. Have you read the grueling 3 page chapter a few times?

2. Should you review the Ch 5 Energy vocab sheet?

3. Should these words be in your notes???????

4. Why are there skiers on page 149? I would, hint, hint, hint know what the author of our ever so exciting book was trying to convey for both these graphics.

5. If you burn fuel oil or wood you are converting stored _____________________ energy to heat.

6. Read up on Potential Energy on page 149. What is gravitational potential energy all about?

7. How can an archer best increase the kinetic energy of his arrows?

8. Should you fine tune your notes?

9. What type of energy makes skiing, rollerblading and skateboarding down a hill possible?

10. Draw an example of elastic potential energy and then name 3 different examples.

11. How many mm in a m?

12. How many cm in a m?

13. The formula for kinetic energy is

14. Black is to white as potential energy is to ___________________

15. The best way to increase the hitting power of kinetic energy is to increase what??? Why?

16. Kinetic energy is to _________________ as potential energy is to _______________. Hint: One word each blank, one starts with the letter m and the other has “age” in it.

17. What is the formula for gravitational potential energy?

18. 53 = Note: The small 3 SHOULD be superscript or raised! five to the third power

19. What is the difference between a hurricane and a tornado?

20. Twinkies, Almond Joys and School lunches are full of what type of energy?

21. What is the difference between work and power?

22. Do you know the formula for power?

23. Work and energy can be measured in what unit?

24. What is the formula for density!

25. What units are density stated in?

26. When an item has a density of _______________________________ it will float.

27. When an item has a density of ________________________________ it will sink

28. A big three with a little 4 slightly above it means??? (3 to the 4th power)

29. You will see two questions on the test that were taken from Ms. Sullivan’s worksheet that she passed out to you on Monday. One involves a name and the other the number 0.

30. Review SI liquid volume units and the relationship to cm and meters.

31. List 8 examples of potential energy.

32. List 8 examples of kinetic energy.

33. Can you define kinetic energy and potential energy?

34. Oops, you should know / review exothermic and endothermic reactions! Ice cube, boiling water and what not.

Smile Goodman!

As always few cats were harmed in the production of this blog.
2.13149167 points extra IF you can get Ms. Sullivan to sign your energy notes from this chapter!

Remember to start your crossword puzzle EARLY!
Check around, there are MANY other free crossword puzzle sites if
www.puzzlemaker.com is acting up or the site is down.

28 Question "scantron" type test.

Plan for success or you plan to ???????

Love it or loose it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crossword Puzzle Blog

word Puzzle Blog
by Mr. Carrison & Flash
Gates Intermediate School
Scituate, MA

Use this blog to help each other complete your Energy Crossword Puzzle project that is due November 25th. Remember that late puzzles are marked down 100 points. Plan to succes or you plan to ___________! Check below for my technology homework excuse policy.


Mr. Carrison’s Policy on Excuses for Technology Assignments

In the past years I have been able to verbally convey this information to my students. To make it easier for some parents and students I am taking a few minutes to try and clarify my policy on excuses for assignments requiring the use of technology. By technology I mean computers, the internet, media storage devices, printers, digital cameras, scanners, email and the like. Understand that we often use these types of assignments for review purposes ON THE DAY THEY ARE TURNED IN. If everyone had and “acceptable” (really no such thing) excuse, I could not use student work to review for tests. Factor in that I have 100+ students and it is realistically just not possible to take in assignments “when ever.” I can never remember a time that my boss was impressed with an excuse rather than the project or task that he or she had entrusted me with. These excuses seem to be remembered when you are up for a raise and/or possible promotion! As a parent of three young adults, trust me when I say that high school and college instructors simply do not accept excuses. When excuses are for sale in the Want Advertiser, Boston Globe Classified section or on eBay.com I will start giving them consideration. When and if this doubtfully ever happens, excuses possibility MIGHT then be worth something. Please start your technology projects early. You should backup to a USB drive and the computer hard disk OFTEN. I would also “orphan” a copy by sending the file to yourself in an email and NOT downloading it!

> Computers are sometimes available in my room during study and after school.
> Computers are available in other areas of school such as our school library and computer lab.
> Computers are available at the Scituate town library and all Boston libraries.
> Many homes have two or more computers, check with a relative, neighbor or friend AFTER getting your parent(s) permission - of course.
> Many parents have access to loaner laptops at their place of employment.
> If you wait until the last minute to complete a report – plan on the computer, printer &/or Internet to break down. No excuses are acceptable. Plan ahead! Let me repeat, No Excuses Are Acceptable!
> All my technology assignments are assigned WELL in advance, often 1 ½ weeks or more.

There are at least 4,817 excuses as to why you could not complete this assignment. Most fall in to the following major categories:

Ö “My computer is possessed and/or hates me.”
Ö “My parents/brother/sister/goldfish tied up the phone line.”
Ö “My computer crashed, died, went up in flames and/or ate my data file.”
Ö “My printer up and died” or “It’s possessed by evil beings”
Ö “The net was down” “We lost power” ”Aliens knocked out or cable or power.”
Ö “Our dog bit Comcast man and he turned off our cable to retaliate.”
Ö “My dog ate my computer, homework, internet cable and/or printer”
Ö “We do not have a computer at home.”

Computers and the Internet are still in their infancy and as such are prone to trouble. If you wait until the last minute to start this assignment you can plan on a technical malfunction. Know this and plan ahead! Unless the entire South Shore falls off the power grid for more than 48 hours… any technology orientated project or homework assigned is due on the date given.

No credit will be given for late work!
No credit will be given for late work!
No credit will be given for late work!

http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861609681Microsoft’s Encarta’s Definition of Excuses:
1. justification: a reason or explanation, not necessarily true, given in order to make something appear more acceptable or less offensive There can be no excuse for laziness.
2. false reason: a false reason that enables somebody to do something he or she wants to do or avoid something he or she does not want to do The perfect excuse to do nothing
3. bad example: an inept performer of a particular action or task ( informal ) A poor excuse for a cook
4. note justifying absence: a note from a doctor or parent confirming that somebody is not well enough to go to work or attend school

Plan to succeed or plan to fail!

This COULD.... be an easy A+! Your.... choice!

excuses technology.com – proof read by “Mox”- Emily Moxie

Friday, November 7, 2008

Energy and Matter Test

Coupon, what coupon, I do not see a coupon for dog bones?
Anyone know how seagul tastes?

Ha, Ha, you guys are having a test! First one to post a comment gets 2 1/2 points!

Eergy & Matter Test
by Mr. Carrison
Gates Intermediate School

1. Have you re-read the grueling 3 page chapter?

2. How are your notes?

3. Did you take the time to check out the review section at the end of the chapter?

4. Bottom line, all elements are different and the smallest part of an element is a(n) __________.

5. Flash thinks you should be able to find the density of an object if you are given the data. But… then again, what does he know, he is a hound!

6. Dissolving sugar into a glass of water is an example of a ___________________ change.

7. Flash is wondering what the definition of energy is.

8. You should know the words on your weekly vocab sheet. Only one or maybe two are NOT on the test! If you know only parrot answers you may be in trouble!

9. What is the formula you would use to determine if something will sink or float?

10. What would you measure liquid volume with in our science lab?

11. Name 5 endothermic changes or reactions.

12. Name 5 exothermic changes or reactions.

13. What holds the different atoms found in a molecule together? No, it is not magic!
14. SI means?

15. What is the SI unit for mass or weight?

16. What is the SI unit for volume?

17. What is the SI unit for length?

18. Hey, what is the difference between mass and weight? Might want to know the definitions of both!

19. Can you name 5 renewable energy resources?

20. Can mechanical energy be converted to electrical energy?

21. Can you tell me what “lover CO2 emissions means?

22. What does the word dependency mean?

23. When you make electricity by spinning the turbine with water, what is it called?

24. Photosynthesis is ultimately just a way of storing sunlight’s energy in sugars and carbohydrates in the form of __________________ energy.

25. People with class will thank a _________________ for their sacrifices and commitment to our country this upcoming Tuesday.

26. Can you give me the chemical formula for ice, carbon dioxide and sugar?

27. Butane is known for what chemical properties?

28. Ice, vapor and liquid water are all just different ________________s of water and are c________________ identical to each other.

29. Can you distinguish between a chemical and physical change?

30. Name 3 different chemical changes.

31. Name 3 different physical changes.

32. What is the difference between chemical and physical PROPERTIES of matter?

33. Speaking of matter, can you pick out the definition if given 4 choices?

34. Radio waves and visible light are what type of energy?

35. When you can not break down a substance chemically into anything else you have an
a. henwiegh
b. molecule
c. electron
d. element
e. mixture
f. heterogeneous mixture

36. Is it potential or kinetic energy?
- Rock rolling down an incline
- Guided missile on a F-14 Tomcat jet parked on the tarmac
- Sunglasses dropped from a boat falling to the bottom of the ocean
- Football in midair
- Fuel oil in your oil tank
- A bonfire on the 4th of July
- Stored glucose in a tree
- Burning ether on a desk
- Sack of coal or wood pellets
- Forest fire
- Running boat motor

You are facing a 33 question test.
The majority of the questions are multiple choice.

No cats were harmed in the production of this blog. Blog remains 99.37% cat free and 100% llama free despite Aylish’s repeated requests.
However some electrons were horribly harassed and inconvenienced in a major way.

Toast anyone?