Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Protist Study Guide


This week's study guide is
brought to you by the efforts of:

Diana M
Megghan R

Picture is from early last summer. We are on Hawk Mt. overlooking Harrison, Brigton and Naples Maine. Long Lake is just out of view to the left. There is a cliff at my back!

1. Have you read the chapter on Protista?

2. Are you familiar with all the words and concepts on the Protist vocab sheet?

3. Review the Protist Crossword puzzle

4. Review and organize your class lecture notes and your notes from reading the chapter.

5. What are the "membership requirements" for kingdom Protista?

6. While some protists may be smarter than Flash, why is Flash NOT considered to be a protist?

7. What is a contractile vacuole and what is it’s purpose?

8. What protozoans use the following to move (for locomotion) and what kingdoms are they in?

  • Cilia -
  • Psuedopods -
  • Flagella -

9. What is special about paramecium? What kingdom and phylum or group of protozoans do they belong to?

10. What do these parts of a cell do?

  • Mitochondria -
  • Vacuole -
  • Cell wall -

11. What do polishes, flat paint, toothpaste and pool filtering material have in common?

12. What are ciliates? Which is the most well known?

13. What are pseudopods? Who uses them?

14. What are flagella? Which protozoan uses them?

15. What is giardia? What does it cause?

16. Remember to review X-Ray blog. Do you have good notes? Have you gone to the MCAS question site?

17. What is bioluminescense?

18. What are dinoflagellates? What do they cause? We spent a lot of time in class studying them. Why?

19. Protozoans give you what diseases? Do all protozoans cause disease?

20. What are antibiotics and what do they work against?

21. What sporozoan killed many people, also known as Malaria?

22. What group of protozoans are all parasitic?

23. What is the difference between procaryotic and eucaryotic cells? (by Rachael S)

24. What does eukaryotic mean? (by Rachael S)

24. What kingdons are all eucaryotic?

25. Do you know is you are an autotrophic or heterotrophic? What do these terms mean?

26. Are you pseudoprepared for this test? Let's hope NOT!

27. What types of life or organisms seem immune to the effects of the red tide?

28. Mr. Carrisson is:
a. an amoeba
b. a saracodine
c. something that pseudopods
d. an amoeba is a saracodine that uses psuedopods
e. a Twinkie and Almond Joy eating, Bassett Hound loving evil life science teacher

(Hey! I heard that!!!)

Meghan and Diana want you to know that - No trees were killed nor were many cats agitated in the designing and implementation of this blog. However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Llama free since February of 2007!


  1. mr carrison check your email...i emailed the blog to you

  2. Nice picture mr.c!

  3. The pink....Can you change it, to a less blinding color maybe?

  4. kathleen wouldn't be caught dead in pink


  5. if we ask a question can people answer it now or do we have to ask later or find out ourselves


  6. Exactly. (:

    Most people will tell yu how to find the answer if you ask.

  7. HAH, she would a couple years ago.
    Remember in 5th grade? She hung out with Gianna and Kelsey and wore skirts, earrings, leggings, tank tops, and MAKEUP.
    Man, I wish I took a picture...):

  8.'re scaring me...

  9. and when did you make this blog? i checked on wednesday and this one wasnt made yet.

  10. Is the Answer to ? #11 "They all are associated with diatoms"?

  11. i think i deserve 2 pionts for looking at the blog mr carrison


  12. i agree i think i should have 2 points for looking at the blog 2

  13. A few things:

    1.Megan R's name doen't have an H in it

    2.In #25 "is" should be if

    3.And what's the answer to #27?

    4.I deserve 2 extra points too for going on here!

    ~"Keys" (otherwise known as Brenda)

  14. i hope im ready for the test and everybody go to drama clubs production of a pirates life for me i jjust got bavk from the dress rehersal and its going to be great

  15. 11 is simple we've been talkng aout it all week today in class...did u space out during the slide show?

    mr.c u sppelt Megan's name wrong

  16. UNFORTUNATLEY mr.carrison...
    not everyone has a computer at home *cough cough me* cuz their dad decided to reimage two outta the three at their house. AND NOW I FINALLY KNOW WHAT THE HECK EVERYONE ELSE THINKS ABOUT YOUR BLOG!!! :)

  17. mr carrison-u havent even had the blog since february, so how could it be llama free since then???

  18. the last link on the X-Ray study guide thingamabobber doesn't work!

  19. Mike- I'm going to the play on Friday! Good luck!

  20. Yea the play is gonna be pretty awesome

    but mike we still need some work

  21. thanks for the blog meg and diana!
    and mr. c i guessss

    tay k i would like 2 see a pic if u find one!

    everyone mike is not lying really do come to the play
    john isnt either we messed up the epilougue:/
    but its still really good

    dont forget to make fun of chippy for his cray costume!!!!!

    send me a message (the things we've been selling at lunch) cuz u know you all want to!!!!

    nighty night

  22. Oh yeah, Mr. Carrison Did you ever find yor classroom rat?


    ~Carline Quinn

  23. I think That I should get 2 extra points on the test tomorrow TOOOOOOO!

    ~Caroline Quinn

  24. i think that i should get 10 extra points on my test. ha.

  25. Hi Gang:

    Megan deserves an extra H for all her work on the blog! Diana also deserves an extra letter or something! Rachael also kicked in a few questions, perhaps I should add an extra letter or two to her name?

    Points, why is everyone trying to get my points, my pencils and my poor rat?

    And NO my rat has not returned. I'll bet he missed me something awful!

    Good luck on the test,
    Mr. C

  26. After I read all of these comments i really get this stuff alot mor than 2 mniuates ago


  27. GOOD JOB T.J!

    ~Caroline Quinn

  28. Heyy Mr. C..can i maybe make the study guide for next week???

  29. can i do it w/ a caroline Q, or Maeve D..i havent talked to them yet but...ya

  30. I'd be up to doing it with either yiu or Maeve Brenda!

    ~Caroline Q

  31. whens the test for FUNGI!!!!

    Ewwwwwww....utterly disgusting

  32. Heeay AshleyD. are you pumped for teacher for the day tommorw or what?!?!??!?!?!?* Mrs Bracken the art teacher wohoooo!!!!!!!!!

  33. Heeay AshleyD. are you pumped for teacher for the day tommorw or what?!?!??!?!?!?* Mrs Bracken the art teacher wohoooo!!!!!!!!!

  34. Heeay AshleyD. are you pumped for teacher for the day tommorw or what?!?!??!?!?!?* Mrs Bracken the art teacher wohoooo!!!!!!!!!

  35. ooops..I pressed the PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT thing too many times
    * those mean that I'm asking a question and being very excited at the ame time!!!!!!

    Who else is being teacher for the day!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

  36. mr carriosn u might wanna change your blog...

  37. Hey Mr.C, who's your "teacher for a day"?

  38. just a thought but do u think this had anything to do with the ledger cover story

  39. mr.c is the make a test on protis and viruses

  40. The Make-A-Test is on Fungi and Intro to Plants. See the class handout on this project for the details.

    Mr. C

  41. mr carrison I can not get my power point open from gatesdc1 on to my computer. I do not know why?!?

  42. See me in class with your USB thumb drive and we will give it a try!

    Mr. C


Please use this section WISELY! Yes, you can use it for some fun but keep it NICE! Remember what happens to privileges you CHOOSE to not protect! Enjoy and remember: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY RULES!