Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Insect Ecology and Echinoderm Study Blog

Insect Ecology and
Echinoderm Study Blog
by Mr. Carrison

Learn to Earn!

Do not forget to use the info in the last blog to complete your Fun Story vocab project that is due June 9th.

  1. Review all handouts paying special attention to the Insect Matching Worksheet.

  2. Read and check your notes on 55-77.

  3. What are the products and by products of photosynthesis?

  4. What organelle stores things such as starch and water in cells?

  5. Basically photosynthesis is a process where green plants make what product?

  6. In the presence of oxygen what cell organelle breaks down glucose to provide energy for the cell's use?

  7. Can insects be used for human food?

  8. Are some insects decomposers?

  9. What are the requirements to be considered a member of the Echinoderm phylum?

  10. Does camouflage help insects avoid being eaten by predators?

  11. What is and insects tough outer covering called?

  12. Mollusks, Echinoderms and Arthropods are all _______________ of the _____________ kingdom.

  13. What is a producer? Name 5 examples.

  14. To what phylum do sea cucumbers belong?

  15. NEVER complain about the way you look! Where is the anus of a starfish located?

  16. Name 4 common animals considered to be Echinoderms.

  17. What common colorful insect is often used by gardeners to control pests and aphids in their gardens? Hint, it would also definitely be Caroline Geo's favorite insect!

  18. Review the two types of metamorphosis

  19. What is biological control?

  20. What would an entomologist do for a living?

  21. Review food chain and food web.

  22. Do many insects help other living things by assisting in pollination or many plants?

  23. Is nymph a stage in complete or incomplete metamorphosis?

  24. A snail belongs to what phylum?

  25. To what order of arthropod does the mite belong?

  26. How do sea urchins, starfish and other echinoderms move?

  27. When insects become food or are themselves eaten they become part of the _____________ _____________. (two words)

  28. If it eats wastes or dead organisms it is considered a d________ and not a consumer or producer.

  29. Does a starfish have a endoskeleton or exoskeleton?

  30. Why do starfish have a complex water vascular system?

40 question test with 16 matching questions
and NO true or false. Good luck!

3 Points to the first Team D HUMAN to leave a comment!
















Feeling a bit cheesy this week but... there may be a coupon on the actual test! But maybe not!!! Hint: Can you easily find you science handouts?

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