Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework and Study Blog

Expelled from School 4-9-2010

October 27 2009

Team D Study & Homework Blog
by Mr. Carrison

I will sadly not have the necessary time this year to actively post study guides to this blog. Nor will I have the time to monitor comments on this blog. That sadly said I will turn off the comments feature BUT will leave the old study guides up so that you can use them for the upcomming tests. Progress??? Note that this will mean the study guides will not be as pin point accurate as in years past but hopefully still a BIG help in preparing for our weekly science tests.

Due to repeated office requests I will try and post some homework to this site. Since teachers will be given some limited time to make this a reality I will try and comply. Parents can check out this blog for some of our science homework. See links below to other school sites.

Time, time, time,

Mr. Carrison

Ms. Yasin's Team D web site http://sites.google.com/site/teamdgates/
Scituate Public Schools Home Page http://www.scituate.k12.ma.us
Gates Home Page http://scituate.k12.ma.us/schools-gates-intermediate.htm
Almond Joy Home Page www.herheys.com/products/details/almondjoy.asp
Old classroom web page http://www.carrison.us/ - some neat pictures and links

Monday Oct 26
M Read & Notes 22-27
T See above
W Finish crossword and vocab started in class - words should ??? be in your notes???
T Study for Test tomorrow
Friday Test
Weekend Gets lots of Candy and Almond Joys! Have fun and be safe!!!


Monday Nov 2
M Read and notes Energy & Matter 30-33
Make-A-Test project assigned, due Dec 1 - 4 page handout - late - 100 points
W Work on Vocab & org notes
T Finish up worksheets and study for test tomorrow - bring in old text book to swap for new book
F Test
Weekend - remember to bring in textbook! After Tues = must bring in after school
Monday Nov 9
M - Turn in Science textbook for new book on Cells
T - THANK A VETERAN! Some people have risked it all to give what many of us take for granted. Take the time to call, visit or speak to a Vet and thank them for their commitment to our great country. Ask your parents, you most likely have several in your own family and neighborhood. - Last day to pass in textbook in class.
W - NO SCHOOL - VETERANS DAY Textbooks will have to be turned in after school on YOUR time
T - Read and Notes 16-25 - work on vocab
F - Finnish Notes and Reading
Weekend - Org notes, finish up vocab, STUDY FOR TEST MONDAY!!!
Monday Nov 16
M - Read and outline 32-37 see Nov calendar
T - All classes to B wing computer lab by social studies room
W - Finish up reading and notes
T - Org notes - work on Dec 1 project
F - Read and notes 42 - 52
Weekend - work on project - read and notes 42-52
Remember my policy on late homework and late technology projects!!!

Monday Nov 23
M - Review reading & org notes - work/finish up project - Remember that Wed is the LAST day to buy a yearbook for $25.00 - the FEW yearbooks available in June will be $35.00
T - Work on Project - All make-up work NOT none = ZERO as of 2:50 today, plan accordingly!!!
W - 1/2 day! Last day to have me check over your project so PLAN ACCORDINGLY!!!
T - Happy Thanksgiving
F - Have fun and be safe
Weekend - Project due Tues and Big cell test on Wed on 32 to 37 and 42 - 53 - Are you ready???
Dec 7 - Pearl Harbor Day
M - Org notes, review handouts, make ME and MI chart
T - Have you checked our monthly calender? Study for test - bring in sci book to trade in for Environmental Sci textbook
W - TEST turn in sci book - start reading and notes on 80 - 113 have most done by next Wed
T - Last day to turn in sci book on class time
F - Start "e" lab - parents have you asked to see this lab? Due end of class Monday
Dec 14
M - Finish up "e" lab - will your lack of DETAIL on the 3 drawings cost you 30 points? Are you passing in your BEST work?
T - Start Cheek and Onion Skin lab - detentions for all who still owe book - Will your lack of detail cost you 30 + points per lab? Both labs together = one test grade - What 3 labels should ALL microscope drawings have? Should they be VERY neatly written or just haphazardly written? Did you use ARROWS to point out required items? Did you bother to use a ruler to draw your lines/arrows? His this your BEST work???
W - Finish up labs - Should you bother to use peer review???
T - Finish reading and notes on 80-113
F - Check agenda and calender
Dec 21
M - Finish up labs - Work on Recycling Project IN CLASS - finish up reading and notes 80-113
T - Finish up labs - Work on Recycling Project IN CLASS - finish up reading and notes 80-113
W - All labs due, labs not turned in = ZERO as of 2:20 today! Plan accordingly!!
T - Watch out for a fat guy in a red suit trying to break into homes in your nieghborhood. Be good to him and perhaps he will bring you a new science textbook!
F - Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all!
Weekend - Have fun and be.... SAFE!

Happy New Year!!!
Jan 4
M Read & Notes 80-94
T Org Notes
W Finish up guided reading
T Study for test, finish up crossword puzzle
F TEST 80-94
Note: Textbooks due NEXT Friday and NOT this Friday, OOPS! Change your Team D Calendar
Jan 11 - Textbooks due this Friday
M - Review 95-113 and take notes if you have not done so (assigned 2nd week in Dec!!!)
T - Work on Vocab
W - Work on Vocab - Start to think about Plant Crossword Project
T - Test 95-113
F - All Classes to Library Computer Lab - Start on Plant Crossword computer project - due no later than 1-28, late projects marked down 100 points per day
Jan 17th
Mon - MLK Day - No school
Tues - School for TEACHERS only - no LAUGHING!!!
Wed - Turn in Science book for Plants Textbook - Read and notes on 102-113 - work on project
Thurs - Work on vocab and project
Fri - Work on vocab and project - finish guided reading
Do NOT wait until the last minute to work - finish your project!
Jan 25 - Progress Reports Come Out FRIDAY!!!
M - Read and notes on 114-124 - work on vocab list - work on project, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!
T - Finish up vocab words, org notes, finish up reading - should be putting on FINISHING touches on your project! Last day for having Mr. C look at your project in class
W - Finish project! Study for test - finish up guided reading and have ready to pass in
T - Plant Crossword Study Guide Project Due - late projects marked down -100 pints per day
F - Progress reports! Remember to show parents grade printout give out last week - TEST 102-124 - TTEESSTT!!!
M - Read & Notes 4-14 - pass in textbook
T - Last day to pass in textbook during class time, Det if not passed in tomorrow afterschool - finish up guided reading handouts
W - org Notes - go over vocab and know for test - see "Key Terms" on page 6
T - Study for test, review guided reading and vocab on pg 6
F - Short Test and then off to take a homework survey
Weekend - start on read and notes 14-24
-Link to hard to find MCAS advanced question search - MCAS Questions Search Link
Feb 8th - Boy Scouting 100 Years Old Today!
M - Read and Notes 14-24
T- Work on reading and notes
W - Just about finish up Guided reading
T - Test postponed until next Friday!!! - Org notes
F - Take a break! Should we play review bingo???
Feb Vacation Week! YEA!!!
Feb 20th Weekend - IF, IF, IF you get a chance, miss Science and are extreemely bored you can - Start on the Worm chapter - Start on reading and start taking notes -
Monday Feb 22nd
M - Read and notes on 26-37
T - Read and notes on 26-37
W - Finish up handouts, know vocab or key words - org notes
T - Study for test
F - Test on the worms, sponges and cnidarians - be ready!!!
Monday March 1
M - Read and notes 40-45 - 3-11 Make-A-Test or Crossword study guide due, late = -100 points
T - Work on above
W - Finish up reading and work on project
T - Finish up classroom worksheet on clams - work on project
F - Work on project
Weekend - Start on reading 46-59 also read & notes 70-73
Link to MASS Div of Marine Fisheries - snoop around! Great Site!!!
March 8
M - Read and Notes 47-59
T - R & N 47-59 - read 70-73
W - Finish up project and study for test
T - Project due - less 100 points late per period - study for test
F - 2 chapter test 40-59 + 70-73
WEEKEND - Remember to turn in science book
March 15
M - Turn in textbook
T - Scientific Method - work on vocab
W - finish up vocab - org notes
T - Study for test - review worksheets - check out this scientific method web site or this one for help with independent and dependent variables. Hey, here is another site! Might want to also check out this semi-cool site on the scientific method.
F - Test
Weekend - MCAS Monday REST UP!
March 22
M - 112 - 127 read and take notes - assigned this past weekend -
T - MCAS - Remember to bring in a snack - NO SUGAR FESTS!
W - Make sure "key words" are in your notes
T - 1/2 Day - NO LAUGHING @ your teachers!!!
F - Finish up Mineral notes - Fun review in class as is teacher for a day or..... you can be out in the hall writting MCAS style essays??? Your choice!
Weekend - Have fun - make sure you know 112-127 for the test on NEXT Wed
Remember MCAS Monday - bring in a non sugar fest snack and drink
April 5, 2010
M - Minerals Test (5 bonus points in memory or Mr. Blake) - Start Reading and Notes 144-163
T - Work on bit of R & N 144-163
W - None, go outside and enjoy the afternoon, rest up for MCAS - yea!!!
T - MCAS - Last English test for the year
F - Work on Reading and Notest
Weekend - Work on reading and notes - drive parent(s) crazy
Check out this Rock Identification Site - very good
April 12
M - Should have reading done by tonight
T - Finish up guided reading if not alread done
W - Study for test - review all handouts and textbook
T - ROCKS TEST 144-156
F - UV lab
Vacation - None - consentrate on driving parent(s) nuts!
M - Read and notes 144-171
T - Work on notes
W - I went to MCAS question search site... DID YOU???
T - Study for test and visit http://www.brainpop.com/
F - TEST - turn in another science book!
Weekend - annoy parents and remember to bring in your textbook to swap for another version
M - Read and Notes 146-150 -
Turn in Textbook
T - Work on guided reading and vocab - remember you need this packet ALL done to recieve a test on Friday
W - Org notes and work on packet
T - Study for test and finish up packet (guided reading and vocab) - last day to turn in textbook after school - two det's tomorrow for kids who did not return textbook today - you have your 24 hour notice!
F - TEST - Progress Reports handed out in pm homeroom
Weekend - have fun!
June 1
T - Start on 174-194 read and take notes
W - 174-194 r & n - work on project
T - 174-194 r & n - work on project
F - 174-194 r & n - work on project
June 7
M - 174-194 finish up notes and reading
T - finish up project
W - print out 8 copies of project + 2 keys - one for me and one for you
T - Project due - Study for Test (sad as it may be this COULD be our last test of the year?)
F - Test 174-194 - Turn in textbook
weekend - remember to bring in text book

Friday, June 12, 2009

R-E-L-A-X! It is SUMMER TIME! Yahoo!

This blog is for Team D

students to use to have fun on

and keep in touch with each

other over the summer months!

Post comments below to:

  • Keep in touch with your fellow team mates

  • Show off your personal blogs

  • Network

  • Plot new ways to annoy your favorite Math teacher!

  • Ask questions about other non-science subjects (if there are any?)

  • Post pictures of you and your beloved science book touring the world

  • Just plain have fun

  • Share poetry, creative writing and science analogies

  • Help and advise Hall write science rap for her upcoming album

  • Develop a set of fashion tips for Flash

  • Swap Twinkie recipes

  • Plot new schemes to help Mr. C separate the new 7th graders from their quarters!

  • Design a MCAS test for cats

  • Propose an exercise routine for Flash

  • Explore the wonders of Country Western Science Songs

  • Swap creative schemes to con your parent(s) to take you to the mall for shopping extravaganzas

  • Come up with a variety of ways to annoy the dreaded Typo Police

  • Share pictures of Ms. McLaughlin's many adventures and sky diving high adrelenin activities!

Remember to keep it clean, fun and school appropriate!
Special thanks to John C and his Typo Force for his editing efforts to attempt to keep this site 81.329% error free!

Have fun, be safe and eat lots of Twinkies,

Mr. C and Flash

NO! Ignore Joe K, we do NOT taste like chicken!


Friday, June 5, 2009

Intro to Ecology and Energy Flow Pyramid

33 Question test - 19 matching and the rest is multiple guess. I have added some more study questions. Make sure you check the new parts of the study blog.
Last Test of The Year???

Let's Hope So!

Please remember that there is a "voluntary" 200 question final exam that your class can "ask" for via their poor behavior. Let's all work together these last few days of school. It has been an EXCELLENT year, let's keep it that way!

Tues = Fun Science Story due - one copy for me (completed) and at least 5 copies for your classmates.
Wed = Test - YEA!!!
Thur = Human body systems film
Fir = Some film and some glass blowing safety and how to demo's

Mon = Glass blowing - NO OPEN TOE FOOTWEAR.... PERIOD!!! - Long hair must be pulled back as I hate the smell of burring hair.
Tues = Cookout! Yahoo!!! Hat? Sunglasses? Sunscreen? Your choice!
Wed = Thanks for coming, have a fun and safe summer - school is out at 10:20

Study Blog by Mr. Carrison & Flash

More to come Monday.............

1. Flash’s _____________ in my house is to drool and shed all over my house. He also thinks his job or _ (same word as above)_______ is to howl, fertilize my front lawn and to be chauffeured by me in my/our truck! Hum…. 2. Can mate naturally in the wild and produce fertile offspring 3. Mexico has a ___________________ problem as many of their citizens are moving to the USA. 4. When new individuals move INTO an established population or area. 5. All the living and non-living “stuff” in a given area. 6. – example: The (Two words) was 1,039.6 people per square mile (401.5/km2)” for people in Scituate according to the 2000 census. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scituate,_Massachusetts 7. Eaten by carnivores – include mice, rabbits, insects and many young relatively defenseless animals 8. Something that lives in or on another organism. Example is a tick on a dog.

9. Know the words on the blog that has a list of all the words for your Fun Story.

10. Review your worksheet packet

11. Know the energy flow pyramid cold!

12. Name 5 animals from each of the consumer categories in the pyramid.

13. 1st order consumer, apex predator and ..... what was that other
14. Group of animals that eat only plants.
15. Total population of a given species that a given area ecosystem or area can reasonably support.
16. Person who’s job is to study the relationships of organisms to their habitat.
17. Process in which sunlight energy is converted to stored chemical energy.
18. Fancy word for the type of home or area or environment that an animal lives in.
19. Changes in an organism that are passed on to future generations that make it more likely they will survive and thrive. Example – human’s opposeable thumb gave them a definite advantage which allowed them to better compete for food, water and shelter – therefore they thrived and reproduced and passed this valuable trait or ___________________ along to their offspring.
20. Group name for all organisms that can make their own food.
21. Combination of all the living and non-living “stuff” in an area. 22. Many different populations living in a given area.
23. Total number off say all the dogs living in the town of Scituate. The number of individuals of a given species in specific area.
What are some of the biotic factors in the prairie ecosystem?
24. A group of antelope leaving the herd in search of better grassland and travel many miles away. This is an example of ????
25. The largest population that an environment can support is called its
26. An organism’s particular role in its habitat, or how it makes its living, is called its ??????
27. When a jellyfish paralyzes a tiny fish with its poisonous tentacles, the fish is considered the ________________ of the jellyfish.
28. List 8 limiting factors that a squirrel in Scituate faces:
29. The nonliving parts of an ecosystem are called ???
30. All the different populations that live together in an area make up a(n) ???
31. The study of how things interact with each other and with their environment is called ????? 32. When a flea is living on a dog, the dog is the __________
33. The place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism needs to survive I is called its ____________

Good luck on the test!
El-Cheapo Coupon - Print out the blog and HAVE YOUR PARENT sign it and you can use it on the test! Print a picture of Flash with a callout box. Print something fun in it and I'll give you 3 points! We will put these up in the windows for the summer. Have fun, study and ace this test so we can play! (callout boxes are found by INSERT - AUTOSHAPE and then look for the saying or callout boxes.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Insect Ecology and Echinoderm Study Blog

Insect Ecology and
Echinoderm Study Blog
by Mr. Carrison

Learn to Earn!

Do not forget to use the info in the last blog to complete your Fun Story vocab project that is due June 9th.

  1. Review all handouts paying special attention to the Insect Matching Worksheet.

  2. Read and check your notes on 55-77.

  3. What are the products and by products of photosynthesis?

  4. What organelle stores things such as starch and water in cells?

  5. Basically photosynthesis is a process where green plants make what product?

  6. In the presence of oxygen what cell organelle breaks down glucose to provide energy for the cell's use?

  7. Can insects be used for human food?

  8. Are some insects decomposers?

  9. What are the requirements to be considered a member of the Echinoderm phylum?

  10. Does camouflage help insects avoid being eaten by predators?

  11. What is and insects tough outer covering called?

  12. Mollusks, Echinoderms and Arthropods are all _______________ of the _____________ kingdom.

  13. What is a producer? Name 5 examples.

  14. To what phylum do sea cucumbers belong?

  15. NEVER complain about the way you look! Where is the anus of a starfish located?

  16. Name 4 common animals considered to be Echinoderms.

  17. What common colorful insect is often used by gardeners to control pests and aphids in their gardens? Hint, it would also definitely be Caroline Geo's favorite insect!

  18. Review the two types of metamorphosis

  19. What is biological control?

  20. What would an entomologist do for a living?

  21. Review food chain and food web.

  22. Do many insects help other living things by assisting in pollination or many plants?

  23. Is nymph a stage in complete or incomplete metamorphosis?

  24. A snail belongs to what phylum?

  25. To what order of arthropod does the mite belong?

  26. How do sea urchins, starfish and other echinoderms move?

  27. When insects become food or are themselves eaten they become part of the _____________ _____________. (two words)

  28. If it eats wastes or dead organisms it is considered a d________ and not a consumer or producer.

  29. Does a starfish have a endoskeleton or exoskeleton?

  30. Why do starfish have a complex water vascular system?

40 question test with 16 matching questions
and NO true or false. Good luck!

3 Points to the first Team D HUMAN to leave a comment!
















Feeling a bit cheesy this week but... there may be a coupon on the actual test! But maybe not!!! Hint: Can you easily find you science handouts?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Test Postponed Until Monday
Test Postponed Until Monday
Test Postponed Until Monday
Athropods Study Blog at END
Athropods Study Blog at END
Athropods Study Blog at END
Fiction Story Homework Blog
Test Postponed Until Monday
by Mr. Carrison
Gates Intermediate School
Scituate, MA
Ok, by now you should have a pretty good idea of what to do for the project. See me ASAP should you have any questions. June 9th will be here before you know it! START EARLY!!!

Due no later than June 9th

Your Mission: Fabricate a fun fictional 350-450 word story using 20 science vocab words or more. You may choose to use 15 words from the list below and 5 review words from previous chapters or voacb lists. Details are as follows:

ˆ At least 15 words MUST be from the list below.
ˆ 5 can be from previous chapters but you must include a word bank for these words.
ˆ All total you should have 20 total science vocabulary words.
ˆ You need 12 fill in the blank spots for 12 of the vocab words (Flash’s _____ is also my home.)
ˆ You may choose to include a word bank for the required words from the list below but that is your choice.
ˆ Should be all on one page but DEFIATELY not more than 1½ pages.
ˆ Must have two pictures – one of these MUST be formatted to wrap around the picture.
ˆ Make sure your name is typed and on the paper at the top.
ˆ You should have a cool title in an ultra cool font. (Check out flamingtext.com for some great fonts!)
ˆ Should be very neat and professional looking.
ˆ I used 14.5 & 16 font size for my stories. You might want to do something similar but definitely > 13 font size.
ˆ Late work will be marked down 100 points.
ˆ You may choose to give the first or last letter --- h________ (habitat) or __________m (ecosystem)
ˆ Use a text box or table for student’s name, period and date. A one row 3 column table works well and is very easy to make.
ˆ Must turn in 8 copies, have answer key filled out and 1 copy to turn in for grading.

-10 points per missing word
-10 points per missing picture
-10 points per clip art bossing you around
-20 points unprofessional looking
-100 points un-typed
-5 points your name not typed
-10 points no answer key
-10 points no table or text box for name
-10 points font to small
-10 points no title or “uncool” title font
-10 points per missing 10 words of 350 minimum required
-10 points per missing fill in the blank
-10 points per page of required pages for students
-10 missing word bank for words not on given list below

Science Words Bank to Choose From – Any 15 + 5 other science words from old vocab lists or use all 20 words from below
Biotic Factor
Limiting Factor
Abiotic Factor
Population Density
Carrying Capacity
Direct Action
Indirect Action
Natural Selection

Tip of the hat and thanks to Ryan D! YES.... you can use different tenses of the above words.

(453 Words)
Tiki Adopts/Dominates a Family in Scituate
Fill in the missing words using the word bank below.

Tiki snuck out of a castle in Romania where he lived with an anemic vampire who was extremely grumpy and a staunch liberal democrat. In sneaking out, Tiki essentially ________________ from Romania and _______________________ into our lovely town of Scituate. Once on the South Shore he quickly adapted to his new ____________________ and loved chasing seagulls and henweighs. This was a major change as his old home was in the Transylvanian alpine plateau which was part of a boreal, not boring, forest _________________ or biome and Scituate was a _____________ ________________ biome. Tiki quickly learned to avoid Scituate’s many _________________. These included Flash, coyotes, hawks and owls. He loved hunting in the many wetland ___________________ of his new found town. While hunting in the tall f______________ grass for a variety of _______ that included, mice, grasshoppers and various _________ of birds he chanced upon an extraordinary lady that just intrigued him to no end. What caught his eye was that she was wondering around her yard holding a __________ book and talking to no one? This seemed more that odd and demanded further investigation. Tiki’s first _____________ was that she must be nuts, on a Twinkie high or a victim of an excessive group hug but upon further __________________ it was obvious she was practicing and fine tuning a math lesson about the wonders of algebraic equations and something about Pie? Odd combination, algebra and pie??? As this female ________________ ___________ went on and on and on and on and on he became _____________d with the wondrous world of math. Now also noteworthy was the abundance of liverwurst sandwiches, bottled water, Ms. Sabonis’ husband’s anchovies breakfast cereal and several other people available to be trained to wait on him and foot. This place has definite possibilities he thought! Tiki quickly decided this was the _______ of his dreams and proceeded to move in and immediately started training his new servants. ____________________g to his new in house e__________________ was VERY easy.

Ha,Ha! Mr. Carrison lost 10 points! Why???So as to not be a __________________ on his new found family, Tiki took up entertaining them by shedding all over their furniture, clawing up all the moldings in the home, manipulating their lives and annoying all the _______________ ______________________in the neighborhood. To show off his abilities as a second order _______________ he every once in a while shared with them a delicious dead mouse every not and then. To protect his new family from early morning attacks he wakes up his servants around 5:00am each and every morning.


(352 words)
Flamingo Mania
by Mr. Carrison – Gates Intermediate School
Fill in the missing word – You might want to check out your vocab sheet! – Hint: Some words are used more than once.

A team of three professional __________________________________ came to Scituate to investigate the flamingo problem in the third floor of the B wing at Gates. They wanted to investigate how the birds were doing in such a different __________________________ and why they choose to join the Scituate ________________________. You see most _______________ of flamingos are found living in very large colonies in alkaline or saline places like salt marshes, salt lakes, soda lakes and shallow lagoons. (http://www.wwtlearn.org.uk/index0.html?factfile/in-the-pink.htm&2) Several pink flamingos have been seen _________________________________ from Mr. Carrison’s room in the A wing and _________________________________ to various Team D teacher’s room in the penthouse section of the B wing. Mr. Carrison had a _________________ that the birds left due to a drastic drop in available Almond Joys to feed upon in this habitat. Rumor has it that Ms. Morrissey has been enticing them to her locality using salty Pepperidge Farms gold fish, pseudo-promises of sharing with them the fascinating secrets of algebra, low priced pencils and autographed pictures of the Count from Sesame Street. One of the professional _________________ hypothesized that the birds may have been lured to the upper B wing by their interest in the ever so exhilarating concept of the five ________________ of ______________________ that Ms. McLaughlin is always crowing about. The A wing _________________ of flamingos could also be leaving Mr. Carrison’s wing due to Ms. Yasin’s intriguing poetry, lessons on contractions and instruction in ever so exhilarating skill of proper citing of written work taken from various sources.

The female ____________________________ visiting Gates wondered if the lack of any natural ________________________ or other natural ______________________ ___________________ (two words) had any justification in the flamingos invading our schools rather dry and sparsely vegetated _____________________.

All of the ________________________ visiting our school to study the flamingo problem agreed that they were fast approaching the __________________________ _______________ (two words) of Mr. Carrison’s classroom and had to seek an ______________ with room to grow. Fortunately the flamingos have never approached their full ____________________ __________________ (two words) or else our school and town would be over run with flocks of hundreds of thousands of roving half starved wild pink flamingos.

What a great story!











Bonus Word - For a measly 3 points extra use my favorite cool cell organelle name as a word in your fun story in addition to the 20 assigned words.

Arthropods Study Blog

OK, here is the final Arthropod study guide info:

  1. Lobsters belong to what taxa of arthropods?
  2. What characteristics do insects and arachnids share?
  3. List 8 arthropods
  4. What comes after the egg in the life cycle of a grasshopper?
  5. List two common myriapods members found in Scituate.
  6. Cats, moths, grasshoppers, Ms. McLaughlin, goats, sharks and starfish are all members of what taxa?
  7. List the three body sections of an insect.
  8. What section has the wings and legs on an insect?
  9. Where are the legs found on a spider?
  10. What is the body plan for an arachnid?
  11. Molt, yea OK, what is that?
  12. List 4 characteristics of an arthropod
  13. Oysters and clams belong to what phylum?
  14. What type of myriapod is a herbivore?
  15. What type of myrapod is a carnivore?
  16. Are spiders myriapods?
  17. Does the exoskeleton of arthropods offer the organism protection?
  18. What is a symbiotic relationship?
  19. What parasitic that is an arachnid might your dog get in the late spring and summer months?
  20. List 8 different appendages found on arthropods.
  21. What is another name for incomplete metamorphosis?
  22. What is a spinneret? What group of arthropod has them?
  23. To what body section do a spider's legs connect?
  24. What group or taxa or class of arthropod has the most legs?
  25. What do consumers eat? Do they eat producers or other consumers or possible both?
  26. Do insects spread diseases all over the world?
  27. What group of arthropods have 2 large compound eyes?

Good luck on the 33 question test. 13 questions are true/false. Easy test if you used your time wisely in groups. Tough test if you only pretended to work when I was watching and yacked the entire time about mascots and other nonsense.

  1. Review worksheets and crossword puzzle
  2. Re read your assigned pages of 47-59
  3. Organize your notes

Check out the appropriate questions below. I used only a couple of these questions:

  1. Which arthropods have no antennae?
    a. crustaceans
    b. arachnids
    c. insects
    d. centipedes
  2. Where do most crustaceans live?
    a. in water
    b. on mountains
    c. in the desert
    d. underground
  3. Which of these is NOT an arthropod?
    a. centipede
    b. grasshopper
    c. snail
    d. lobster
  4. Which of these is NOT an insect?
    a. bee
    b. beetle
    c. mite
    d. grasshopper
  5. How does a grasshopper get oxygen?
    a. through gills
    b. through a system of tubes
    c. through its skin
    d. by breathing through its mouth
  6. Insect mouth parts are adapted for
    a. eating only plants.
    b. eating specific foods.
    c. eating only books.
    d. eating any available food.
  7. What types of foods do insects eat?
    a. only plants
    b. only animals
    c. only paper and books
    d. anything living or once-living
  8. An echinoderm with long slender arms and flexible joints is a
    a. sea star.
    b. brittle star.
    c. sea urchin.
    d. sea cucumber.
  9. An organism that eats wastes and dead organisms is a
    a. consumer.
    b. decomposer.
    c. pollinator.
    d. producer.

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

  1. An arthropod’s body is protected by a(n) exoskeleton. _________________________
  2. Arachnids have six legs but no antennae. _________________________
  3. Insects have three body parts and six legs. _________________________
  4. An insect that looks like a small adult when it hatches goes through gradual metamorphosis. _________________________
  5. A butterfly’s mouth parts are adapted to lapping up nectar. _________________________
  6. One role insects play in food chains is as food for birds. _________________________

Complete each statement.

  1. Many arthropods have appendages called ____________________ that help them sense their environment.
  2. Spiders, mites, and ticks belong to the group of arthropods known as ____________________.
  3. The kind of arthropod known as a(n) ____________________ has more legs than any other kind of arthropod.
  4. An insect’s wings and legs are attached to the section of its body called the ____________________.
  5. Insects usually have two large ____________________ eyes, which contain many lenses.
  6. Some insects can spread ____________________, such as malaria.
  7. An example of a(n) ____________________ control is introducing ladybugs to fields where aphids are eating crops.
  8. During complete metamorphosis, a larva becomes a(n) ____________________ before it becomes an adult.
  9. Butterflies and beetles develop from egg to adult in the type of metamorphosis known as ____________________ metamorphosis.
  10. Looking like a twig, or ____________________, may help an insect blend in with its surroundings.
  11. In some arthropods, several body ____________________ have become joined into distinct sections.
  12. Crustacean larvae develop into adults by a process called ____________________.
  13. The ____________________ of insects are adapted for a specific way of getting food.
  14. Consumers either eat other consumers, or they eat ____________________.












Cheesy/Measly Point Coupon - Print out (no copies allowed!) a web site showing 3 endangered Massachusetts Arthropods. Not valid in Utah or redeemable for cash value. Liberal Democrats in or using polka-dot clotting-footware-housing-cars-pets-unbrellas-dinnerware-jewerly-motorcycles-folders-pens-pencils-braces-tatoos-etc need not apply.




Test Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until MondayTest Postponed Until Monday

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mollusk Study Blog

Mollusk Study Guide
by Mr. Carrison
with the ever watchful eye of Flash

  1. I would know all the words on the crossword puzzle!

  2. If meat & plants go with omnivore what word then goes with just plans?

  3. What is the only group of Mollusks that has a radula?

  4. OK, what the heck is it and what does it do?

  5. Irritating sand that can not get flushed out of a bivalve will become what???

  6. kl is short for???

  7. Know what cm, m, mm stand for.

  8. What are cilia and what to they do for a clam?

  9. Our semi-cool friends the clam have what type of circulatory system?

  10. Redtide - What is it? What causes it? So what? What's the big deal? Why should we worry about it or be concerned about the redtide?

  11. What type of mollusks have:
    -- 1 shell
    -- 2 shells
    -- tentacles, most complex and move by jet propulsion
    -- shell or may not have a shell, head/foot, found land and water, have radula

  12. Know the different types of Mollusk groups (see # 11) and what makes each group different from the others.

  13. Name 3 different gastropods

  14. Name 3 different cephalopods

  15. Name 4 different bivalves

  16. Can you remember the name of the big monovalve I showed the class?

  17. Gastropods have a radula to grab food, how do bivalves eat or capture food?

  18. Flash and I have a mantle at our house. He sleeps in front of it on his precious round bed, his only major asset! What function does a mantle perform in a bivalve?

  19. Are mollusks vertebrates or invertebrates?

  20. About how many weeks until summer? (Flash says 6 1/2 and he can't wait!)

  21. T or F Basically photosynthesis converts sunlight into stored chemical energy.

  22. Mollusk is a ______________ or the _________ kingdom.

  23. A rusting nail is an example of chemical or physical change?

  24. Burning a chicken drum to a charcoal blackened mess is and example of a chemical or physical change?

  25. Know what omnivores, carnivores and herbivores eat.

  26. Abalone is what type of mollusk?

  27. How much do you know about our dear friend the squid? Can they be found off the coast of Scituate? Do they have eyes? Do they have tentacles and are they cephalopods?
  28. Name all the kingdoms of life on our planet. How many are there total?
  29. Review your latin and common names for the worm phyla.
  30. Relax.... easy chapter, read the chapter and take good notes and you should do fine!

Stupid Mollusks are out smarting me!



Measly Point Coupon: For one point each, max of 3 total points, cut and paste 3 different cartoon characters that are MOLLUSKS on to ONE page. Make sure your name and period are typed at the top of the paper. No credit for incited work! No credit for duplicated! Make sure to pass this in when you pass in your test!-







Monday, April 13, 2009

Porferia, Cnidarian and Worms Test Study Blog
by Mr. Carrison
Gates Intermediate School
Scituate, MA

COMMENTS ARE BACK! For those of you with your own blogs the problem was in the POST OPTIONS link on the posting edit page. Simple fix once I saw it mentioned in a help forum.

This Friday's Test:

  1. Know all the key terms on pages 15 and 26 - this is pretty much the vocab!
  2. Read both chapters and take NOTES!
  3. Re-Read the Chapters!
  4. Know the Latin names for the phyla we are studying
  5. You might review the crossword puzzles we had in class.
  6. Review cell arrangement hierarchy (cells to complex organism bit)
  7. Review invertebrate and vertebrate
  8. What is the most complex worm phylum?
  9. As always do you know the difference between a plant and animal cell?
  10. Yea, OK, what the heck are seta? How are they used??? Who has them?
  11. Define parasite.
  12. What job or function does the gizzard perform?
  13. Do you know all the parts of an earthworm's digestive track?
  14. What does the crop do?
  15. Define radial and bilateral symmetry
  16. Can you list 5 animals with radial symmetry?
  17. How do sponges obtain food? What type of cell does this job?
  18. What structures actually put the food into many of the Cnidarian's such as a jellyfish mouth opening?
  19. Sponge have spikes or spicules. What function or job do they perform?
  20. Egg and sperm - asexual or sexual reproduction?
  21. What do cnidarian's use to capture or incapacitate their prey?
  22. To what phylum do earthworms belong?
  23. Can you describe an earthworm's digestive system? How is it different than a jellyfish or flatworm?
  24. Should dogs get checked yearly for parasitic worms?
  25. The majority of animals are invertebrates or vertebrates?
  26. What is the fancy word for the joining or an egg and a sperm cell?
  27. All animals are made of many _________________.
  28. What type of symmetry do most Cnidarian's have?
  29. Name 6 Cnidarian's.
  30. What habitat do sponges live in?
  31. What is the simplest worm phyla?
  32. OK, now what is the most complex worm phyla?
  33. What is the basic unit of structure and function in all living organisms on planet Earth?
  34. Now, take a deep breath! If you know all the above and have some good notes you should ace the test!

Lots of multiple guess questions, a few true/false and some picture id questions. 40 questions in all.

Good luck to all tomorrow! Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Study!... Then get a good night's sleep, get up early, eat a good breakfast and ace the test!

Measly Extra Point Coupon: Print from your computer (no copies or facsimiles accepted) something from the www concerning a parasitic worm. Can be an article or picture. Your choice on the animal it infects or the phylum that it belongs too. Worth 1 point EACH with a MAXIMUM or 3 allowed. Vertebrates with pokadots or plaid shoes are limited to 1.1429 points max! Beware: NO, that means NONE, ZERO and/or ZIP points for duplicates. Everyone must have a different site or parasitic worm. No llama parasitic worms please!

OK, due to popular nagging I have changed the comment format. Let me know if this is better or worse???

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Intro to Animals and Symmetry S-Blog

Introduction to Animals and Symmetry
Study Guide by Mr. Carrison
Gates Intermediate School
Scituate, MA
Test on Monday! Be ready!
For some reason I am not smart enough to turn the comments BACK on for this study blog? I will keep trying but....
1. Review 4-14
2. Organize notes!
3. Review handouts, worksheets and crossword puzzles
4. Know your 5/6th grade kingdom definitions COLD!
5. Can you name all the animal phyla?
6. List 5 vertebrates and invertebrates.
7. Which kingdoms are pro and eukaryotic?
8. What is a chordate? Is anyone in your home one of these?
9. Know the autotrophic and heterotrophic bit and which kingdom(s) have what.
10. Decomposers - do you know which kingdoms fall into this category?
11. Review quantitative and qualitative
12. Know radial, bilateral and asymmetry! I would know several animals that represent each of these categories!
13. Wonder if a kingdom definition chart would come in handy??? Hum....
14. Oops, I might have accidental put on two metric review questions! Flash thinks you should concentrate on m, cm and mm but then he can be tricky!
15. Do you know the common names and scientific LATIN names for the most popular animal phyla? You should!
16. Know the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.
17. Know the difference between chemical and physical changes
18. Is a vertebrate a chordate?
19. Are backbone and vertebrate about the same thing?
20. What is a decomposer? What kingdoms are known for this?
21. Review the difference between a plant and an animal cell.
22. Did you take notes on the posterior, anterior and XXX and XXX? Well you SHOULD have! Flash will be VERY upset if you do not know this!
23. Which kingdoms are all SINGLE celled?
24. Which are multicellular?
25. Which one has BOTH?
33 questions multiple choice, T & F and a matching section. All in all an easy test IF you were awake and taking notes and not continuously talking while I was lecturing. Of course actually doing the worksheets will help also! Good luck and have a great weekend!
My homeroom: Remember to bring in MCAS snacks. Yes any soda's and candy will be confiscated! You know what to do, do not try to beat the system. Know a good deal when you see it and bring in water or juice and fruit or veggie snack. Chips and crackers are fine.
Good luck on MCAS!!!
Coupon - Find a cartoon for a member the animal kingdom.
Label each cartoon (max. 5)with the corresponding phylum.
Worth .5 measly points up to a maximum or 2.5 points!
Must be on one page! ABSOLUTELY,
(that means NONE, zero, zip) duplicates.
Be original! Polkadots not required.
Chordates with plaid shoes need not apply!
Let's make an honest effort to keep this
Blog 100% Llama free.
-Special thanks toJK for her editing efforts-